    ◆◆ 桃太郎と考える 中学生の英語 ◆◆    中3用




━<1.前回までの桃太郎 >━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━


The next morning, Momo-Taro left home with a sword and the
Kibi-balls on his waist. On the way he came accross a dog.
The dog said,
 "Hi, Momo-Taro. Please give me one of the Kibi-balls on your
 "Ok, Dog. I will give you a ball if you go to Oni-ga-shima
  with me."
 "Sure. I will go together as your man."
  The dog ate one ball and said,
 "I feel (that) I am stronger than before."
 "You are right. Kibi-balls make you stronger. Now let's go."
Taro and Dog began to walk together.

 After a while, they met a monkey. The monkey also asked Taro
to give a Kibo-ball. Taro gave one ball to him and said,
 "Listen, Monkey! We are going to attack the monsters' island.
  So I want you to help us."
The monkey said,
 "Sure! I would be glad to go with you."
Then Taro began to walk again with Dog and Monkey.

  After a while, a pheasant came from the sky. The pheasant
asked Taro to give him a ball, too. Taro gave one ball(,) and
the pheasant became Taro's third man. Then Momo-taro began to
walk again with his three men ── Dog, Monkey and Pheasant.

  When the sun set, they arrived at a beach . Momo-Taro got
his three men together and said,
 "Now, listen to me, everyone. It has already got dark. We will
  stay here tonight. Then tomorrow , I am going to take you (all)
  to the monsters' island. We must go there to kill all the bad
  monsters. Any question?"
 "Yes, sir," Monkey said, "How do we get to the island? I can't swim."
Taro answered,
 "We will have to take a boat. But of course, Pheasant may fly in the sky.

Pheasant asked,
 "What can we do for you tomorrow?"
 "Ok, my men! First, you, Pheasant! I want you to look for the
  island from the sky. Next, you, Monkey! When we begin to attack
  the enemy's fortress, you must open the gate from inside. You
  can climb over the wall easily. And last, you, Dog! You must
  always act with me. I will need your help when I fight against
  the red monster, the boss of the enemy. He is the strongest of all.  
  Do you all understand?  Ok!  Now let's eat Kibi-balls
  for dinner and get a good sleep."
Taro and his three men slept on the beach that night.

━<2.今日の桃太郎 >━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━







・次の朝  ( the next morning )
・〜に乗る ( get on 〜 )
・船  ( boat )
・鬼ヶ島  ( Oni-ga-shima )
・〜に向かう ( head for 〜 )


・鬼ヶ島 ( the monsters' island )



・舳先    ( bow )   [ウ] と読みます
・水先案内人 ( pirot )  飛行機の「イロット」と同じです。
・〜として  ( as 〜 )
・〜を導く  ( lead 〜 ) lead - led - led ※過去形に注意
                [ードゥ  ッドゥ  ッドゥ]




・力強く  ( powerfully )         [ワフリー]
・こぐ   ( row )    読みは [ゥロウ]  row - rowed - rowed
船をこぐ  ( row the boat ) 


The next morning, they got on a boat and headed for Oni-ga-shima.

 Pheasant flew high and looked for the island from the sky.

 Monkey stood on the bow and led his boat as the pilot.

 Dog ate Kibi-balls again and rowed the boat powerfully.


━<3.今日のポイント >━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━



※同じ「バスに乗る」という場合、よく使われるのが take と get on

・バスを[利用する]という意味なら → take a bus

・バスに[乗り込む]という意味なら → get on a bus  


→「バスを利用して」という感じですから take a bus

→「バスに乗り込んだ(とき)」という感じですから get on the bus


前々回(第15日目)に 猿が「どうやって鬼ヶ島に行くのか」と桃太
take a boat を使ってみました。

get on a boat としてみました。

※ちなみに、バイク、自転車、馬など「またがって乗る」ものは ride をよく
バイクなどに「またがっている人」という意味です。 同様に、「乗馬」は
hourse riding といいます。 ただし、ride はバスや列車に乗るときも使えます。

※また交通手段を表す前置詞には by がありますよね。

・バスで行く   go by bus                   
・飛行機で行く go by plane / go by air        
・船で行く    go by boat


・歩いていく  go (  ) foot

答は on ですね。 たまに出てきますから覚えておきましょう。ただ
「歩いて学校に行く」などというとき、わざわざ go to school on foot
などといわなくても walk to school で充分だと思いますが。 


The next morning, they got on a boat and headed for Oni-ga-shima.
Pheasant flew high and looked for the island from the sky. Monkey
stood on the bow and led his boat as the pilot.Dog ate Kibi-balls again
and rowed the boat powerfully.

