    ◆◆ 桃太郎と考える 中学生の英語 ◆◆    中3用


      接続詞if / 接続詞that / 第5文型(SVOO)

━<1.前回までの桃太郎 >━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━

  Once upon a time there were an old man and his wife in a village.
The husband went to the mountain to get firewood and the wife
went washing in the river. 

 One day when the wife was washing as usual, a big peach
floated down from above to her. "Oh! What a big peach that is!"
She brought it back to her house.
 When the husband came home in the evening, the wife showed him
the peach. The husband said, "This is wonderful. Let's eat it now."
When the wife cut the peach with a knife, a crying baby boy came out
of it. The old man and his wife were surprised at the baby.  But they
were very glad to get a pretty son because they had no child. The
husband named the baby Momo-Taro, or Peach Boy.

  Time passed, and Momo-Taro became a nice young man.

  One day a merchant came from the town. He said sadly,
 "These days, bad monsters do violence in our town. So we are in
  trouble very much.  A lot of people were killed and a lot of
  houses were broken."

Momo-Taro said,
 "What bad monsters! Well, I will kill them. Where are they?"
 "They are in Oni-ga-shima, the monster's island."
 "How many monsters are there?"
 "More than twenty. The red monster is the strongest of all.
  He is the boss."
 "Ok.  Father and Mother, I will leave tomorrow."
Taro began to prepare with the helpof his father. The old woman,
or Taro's mother, made a lot of Kibi-balls for her son.  

  The next morning, Momo-Taro left home with a sword and the
Kibi-balls on his waist. On the way he came accross a dog.
The dog said,  
 "Hi, Momo-Taro. Please give me one of the Kibi-balls on your waist." 

━<2.今日の桃太郎 >━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━










島に行くなら、1つ やりましょう。」

・いいですよ、犬君。 ( Ok, Dog. )
・もし〜なら ( if 〜 )
・ついて行く ( go with 〜 )
・やる ( give )
・〜しましょう ( I will 〜 ) 
 (「〜しましょう」といっても let's 〜 とは違いますよね。)

<文法> … if 〜




・もちろん ( sure )   [シュア]
・あなたの家来 ( your man ) 
・〜として ( as 〜 )
・一緒に ( together )   [トゥギャ(ザ)−]



・食べる ( eat ) eat - ate - eaten 




・なんだか〜と感じる ( feel that 〜 )  [フィール]
・以前 ( before )     [ビフォー]
・…より〜 → 比較級を使う …より強い ( stronger than … )

<文法> … 構文:I feel that I am 〜



・そのとおりだ = 君は正しい ← 正しい ( right )
・〜を…にする ( make 〜 … )
・さあ ( now )

<文法> … 第5文型(SVOC) make 人 形容詞




・〜し始める→〜することを始める ( begin to [do] )
begin - began - begun

<文法> … to不定詞(名詞的用法)



行くなら、1つ やりましょう。」

"Ok, Dog. I will give you a ball if you go to Oni-ga-shima with me."


 "Sure. I will go together as your man."


 The dog ate one ball and said,


"I feel (that) I am stronger than before."


"You are right. A Kibi-ball makes you stronger. Now let's go."


Taro and Dog began to walk together.


━<3.今日のポイント >━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━


■「もし〜なら」ときたら if 〜 を使いましょう。

  例文) もし明日雨が降ったら、私は外出しないつもりだ。

        [If] it rains tomorrow, I will not go out.

       = I will not go out [if] it rains tomorrow.


        [If] you love me, please take me to the sea.

= Please take me to the sea [if] you love me.

※take 人 to 場所 = 人を 場所へ 連れて行く

そこで、「もし君が僕と一緒に鬼ヶ島に行くなら」 を英語にするときは

  if you go to Oni-ga-shima with me




 接続詞 that を使ってみましょう。(省略することもあります)


    I think [that] you are a good boy.


    Tom thought [that] Mary loved him.


    But Mary said [that] she didn't love him.


     I feel (that) I am stronger than before.


■「〜を…にする」ときたら 第5文型(SVOC)の make

第6日目に 「お爺さんが赤ちゃんを桃太郎と名付ける」場面で第5文型の

・make 人(物) 〜    [ 人(物)を〜にする]

・call 人(物) 〜    [ 人(物)を〜と呼ぶ]

・name 人(物) 〜    [ 人(物)を〜と名付ける]


「お爺さんはその赤ちゃんを桃太郎と名付けました。」は name を使い

 The husband named the baby Momo-Taro, or Peach Boy.

としました。 そこで、今回は make を使って、


A Kibi-ball makes you stronger.


  なお、make 人 + 〜 の〜の部分には 名詞か形容詞が来ます。

今回は 形容詞 strong の比較級 stronger を入れたわけです。


"Ok, Dog. I will give you a ball if you go to Oni-ga-shima with me."

"Sure. I will go together as your man."

The dog ate one ball and said,
"I feel (that) I am stronger than before."

 "You are right. A Kibi-ball makes you stronger. Now let's go."

Taro and Dog began to walk together.

