◆◆ 2003年・公立高校入試・英語長文 ◆◆  中3用 

        第20回   都立八王子の長文




━ < 1.今日の単語  > ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━

factory   工場
soda     ソーダ水
tab     口金(缶ジュースなどを開けるときに引っ張る金具)
surely    きっと
salesman  販売員
showroom  (車の)展示場
gasoline  ガソリン
wide     広い
"SOLD" sticker 「売約済み」のラベル
park     駐車する
far side of 〜  〜の向こう側
key     かぎ、キー
secret    秘密
hug     抱きしめる
key ring   キーホルダー

━< 2.今日の先読み  >━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━


━< 3.今日の本文  >━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━

My father was a kind and strong man. He worked for a * factory
for many years. When I was ten years old, I took two of my
friends to the factory. I wanted them to meet my father. After
we walked around the factory, I said to my father, "Can we have
something to drink before we go home for lunch?"

My father did not answer soon, but said, "Sure," and gave us
some money. We ran to the shop in the factory to buy our * sodas.
We were collecting the * tabs on the cans in those days. We
were able to get a special baseball cap if we sent twenty tabs
to the soda company. I needed only one more tab to get the cap,
and I was able to get the last tab at that time. We all said to
my father, "Thank you," and went home for lunch. After lunch we
enjoyed swimming and fishing in the river together. That was a
really happy summer day.

When I came home and went into the living room, I heard the
voices of my parents. They were in the kitchen. My mother was
angry and said to my father, 'You didn't have money for sodas!
Bill was *surely able to understand. That money was for your
lunch. You used it for the sodas for them. The children have to
understand that we don't have enough money. And you need to have
your lunch." But my father did not say anything about it. Before
my mother found me, I went up to my room. I shared the room with
my three brothers, but they were out then. So, I took the tab
from my pocket and looked at it for a long time.

That night I went to bed early. In the bed, I thanked my father,
and said to myself, "Dad, I'll never forget TODAY. Some day I'll
do something for you. And I'll never lose this tab!"

About thirty years passed. My father grew old and weak. He did
not work any more. I was looking for a new car. My father knew a
* salesman at Jones Motors in my town, so I said, "Dad, I want
to buy a new car at Jones Motors. Will you come with me?" He

We visited the salesman at the * showroom. I started to talk
with him, but my father was looking at a white car there. It was
a very beautiful car. My father moved his hand over the car
with a smile. I said, "Dad, it's a really good car, isn't it?
But I would like to buy a small car that doesn't need so
much *gasoline." When the salesman left the showroom, I said to
my father, "Let's drive the white car." "Well, but you don't
have enough money to buy that, do you?" he said. "I know that,
and you know that, but the salesman doesn't," I said.

When my father drove it for ten minutes and came to a *wide
road, we both laughed like happy children. He said, "This car
runs very fast and easily!" We really enjoyed driving the white
car very much.

After we returned to the showroom, we drove another car. It was
a small yellow car. My father said it was better for me because
it did not need much gasoline. I liked it very much. I decided
to buy the yellow car and told the salesman about it.

The next day I went to Jones Motors again.

【I talked with the salesman for some time.】

A few days later, I called my father and said, "Will you come
with me to get the car?" He answered, "Yes, of course." I
thought he wanted to look at "his white car" again.

When we arrived at the showroom, I saw my little yellow car. It
had a * "SOLD" sticker on it. The beautiful white car was next
to mine. There was a big "SOLD" sticker on the window of the
car, too. I saw my father. He looked sad. He said, "Someone
bought that beautiful car!" I did not answer. I just said, "Dad,
would you go into the showroom and wait for me there? I'll *
park the car and come back soon." My father walked to the white
car. He touched it and moved his hand over it again.

I moved my car to the * far side of the building and looked at
my father from the car window. Then I was remembering that 
summer day. He gave up lunch and gave us his money. He gave up
everything for his family, too.

My father sat and was talking with the salesman. I watched them.
Then the salesman gave him the * key to his car --- the white
one --- and explained that it was a present for him from me. Of
course the salesman did not forget to say this was our * secret.
I asked the salesman to do so before! My father looked at me
from the window. Our eyes met. We both laughed a lot.

My father came out of the showroom. I walked to him and * hugged
him. And I said, "Dad, how do you like the car? I really wanted
to give it to you as a present. I didn't tell you anything about
it because I wanted to * surprise you." My father laughed and
said, "Well, Bill, I understood the car. I really like it very
much. But I can't understand why an old tab was used as its *
key ring."


Question A : Answer in English.

(1) How old was Bill when he took two of his friends to the factory?
(2) What was the money from Bill's father used for?
(3) Which car did Bill's father really like better, the yellow car or
  the white one?
(4) How did Bill's father look when he saw a "SOLD" sticker on
  the white car?
(5) What was used as the key ring for the white car?

Question B:
次の会話は問題文中の【 】の部分において、Bill と Salesman の間

Bill : I bought a yellow car here yesterday. Do you remember?

Salesman : Oh, yes, I do. You came here with your father.
       Is anything wrong?
Bill   :   No. The car is OK. ( 1 ) I really have to buy another one.
Salesman : Really! Thank you very much. Which one would you like to buy?
Bill  :   Well, the car you see over there. That white one.
Salesman : Oh, that one. ( 2 ) Everyone likes it. I think you'll like it.
Bill  :   Well, , that car isn't for me. ( 3 )
Salesman : Well, that's great. ( 4 ) Your father will be very glad to know that.
Bill  :   I hope so, and I want to surprise him. Will you put a "SOLD"
    sticker on the car?
Salesman : Sure.
Bill  :   ( 5 ) You can guess how he will feel to see the sticker.
    Then tell him about my present. This is our secret.  OK?
Salesman : All right.

(ア)I'm going to buy it as a present for my father.
(イ)That car is very nice, isn't it?
(ウ)I'll come back here with my father in a few days.
(エ)You are a good son.
(オ)I've come here to buy another car.

━< 4.塾長のコメント >━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━





(1) He was ten years old.
(2) It was used for the sodas for Bill and his friends.
(3) He (really) liked the white one better.
(4) He looked sad.
(5) An old tab was.

