◆◆ 2003年・公立高校入試・英語長文 ◆◆  中3用 
        第19回   鹿児島県の長文


バックナンバー No.5〜 No.10 をアップしました。
━ < 1.今日の単語  > ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━

$ = dollar(s)   ドル(通貨の単位)
hard       懸命に
newspaper    新聞
drilling machine 穴を掘るための機械

━< 2.今日の先読み  >━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━


━< 3.今日の本文  >━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━


※(塾長より)この文には井戸の手動式くみ上げポンプ(hand pump)の



 It was January 1995 in New York. Peter was seven years old. He
was surprised when he was listening to his teacher in class. She
talked about children in poor parts of Africa. She said, "They
don't have much food or good water there, so many children die.
They need more wells, but need * $2,000 for one. If they have $
70, they can buy a hand pump for a well."

 That day, when he came home, he said, "Mom, I need $70 for a
hand pump for the children of Africa!" "If you really want the
money, you should do some work for our dad and me," she said. He
cleaned the house and got two * dollars. He did, many other
things for the money, but in March, he had only $30. So he tried
* hard to get $40 more. At last, when he got $70, he gave the
money to a volunteer group. Mr. Lee, a member of the group,
said, "Thank you very much. We can buy a hand pump." Peter was
happy and said, "I'll do more work for a well."

 People read a story about Peter in a * newspaper, and helped him.
When Peter had $2,000, he talked with Mr. Lee.  Mr. Lee told
him about a village in Africa. In this village many people lived
near the school and needed a well. So they chose to make the
well at the school. Mr. Lee said, "It will be easier to make
wells if we use a * drilling machine: We need $25,000 for one."
In May, many people saw Peter on TV, and sent him a lot of money.
In July, he had $7,000.

 Then other children in his school became interested in Peter's
plan and helped him. Peter and his friends sent letters and
their pictures to the children of the school in Africa. Two
months later Peter got a letter and pictures from Harry, a boy
who was eight years old. In the letter, Harry wrote a lot about
life in his village, so Peter wanted to go there and meet him.

 In November, at last, he got the money for the drilling machine.
Then in June, Peter and his parents visited the village with Mr.
Lee. At the school many people welcomed them around the new well.
The well had these words: Peter's Well: Made by Peter for Our

 Harry came to Peter and said, "Hello. I'm Harry." "Hi, Harry. I'
ve wanted to see you," Peter answered. They looked happy. An old
man said, "Look around at our children. They are all right now.
Peter and our friends in New York have done something great for
us. For us. water is life." Then Peter said, "I
will never forget this most wonderful day!"


村人にとって必要な井戸を Harry の学校に作ることになったのはなぜ

【問題2】 つぎの A, B, C, D を本文の流れに沿って並べなさい。
A. Peter sent pictures and wrote to the children in Africa.
B. Peter went to Africa with his parents and Mr. Lee.
C. Peter worked hard to get the money for a hand pump.
D. Peter heard a story about poor children in Africa.

━< 4.塾長のコメント >━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━






ところで、先進国が途上国に援助をするというのは、実は口で言うほど簡単なことではないのです。援助しても無駄になる場合もあれば、援助自体が悪い結果を招くこともあるようです。先進国の基準で ものを考えて、現地の実情(歴史や習慣も含めて)を無視するととんでもないことになるのです。

たとえば、今回の英文に出てきた井戸の援助を考えてみましょう。英文の挿絵(hand pump)を見た人の中には、「えらく古いタイプの井戸だなあ!」とか「どうせ援助するんなら、もっといい設備を贈ればいいのに」と思った人がいるかも知れません。そこで、ちょっと考えましょう。掘った井戸から水をくみ上げる方法として、大まかに2つに分けたとします。


工業先進国日本から井戸を援助する、という発想しかないと「2.モーター式」ということになります。しかしです。井戸を必要としているような場所に電気が来ている保証はありません。ガソリンで動くモーターですか?でもガソリンを買うお金なんてありませんよ、それも援助するのですか?これからずーと? もしモーターが壊れたらどうします?ネジ1本、機械油一滴もないのですよ、そのような村には。 …仮にあったとしても誰が修理するのですか?最新式の機械ですよ。…という感じで、様々な問題が起こってくるのです。


このように現地の実情にあわない援助は、ありがた迷惑にもなりうるのです。そういう意味では、今回の英文の中で主人公たちが hand pump 式の井戸を贈ったというのは、別に時代遅れでも何でもないのです。




問題2 答 D C A B
